Azure AD B2C Custom Policies: Unraveling the Mystery of Validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim Claims Transformation
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Azure AD B2C Custom Policies: Unraveling the Mystery of Validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim Claims Transformation

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Are you tired of wrestling with Azure AD B2C custom policies, only to find that the validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation doesn’t work as expected? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the depths of this tricky topic and provide you with a step-by-step guide to resolving this issue once and for all.

The Problem: Validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim Claims Transformation

When working with Azure AD B2C custom policies, you might have come across the ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation. This transformation is used to convert a string claim into a phone number claim. Sounds simple, right? However, things can get complicated quickly when it comes to validation.

The issue lies in the fact that the ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation doesn’t perform any validation on the input string. This means that if the input string is not in the correct format, the transformation will silently fail, resulting in an invalid phone number claim.

The Cause: Lack of Input Validation

So, why does this happen? The reason is that the ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation is designed to be a simple, straightforward transformation. It doesn’t perform any input validation, which means it will happily convert any string into a phone number claim, regardless of its format.

This lack of input validation can lead to all sorts of issues, including:

  • Invalid phone numbers: If the input string is not in the correct format, the resulting phone number claim will be invalid.
  • Data corruption: If the input string contains incorrect or malformed data, it can corrupt the entire claims transformation process.
  • Inconsistent data: Without input validation, different claims transformations might produce different results, leading to inconsistent data.

The Solution: Custom Validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim Claims Transformation

So, how do we resolve this issue? The solution lies in adding custom validation to the ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation. This can be achieved by using Azure AD B2C’s built-in validation features.

Here’s an example of how you can add custom validation to the ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation:

<ClaimsTransformation Id="ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim" TransformationMethod="ConvertStringToPhoneNumber">
    <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="phoneNumberString" TransformationClaimType="phoneNumber" />
    <InputParameter Id=" regularization" DataType="string" Value="^\+?\d{1,15}" />

In this example, we’re using a regular expression to validate the input string. The regular expression `^\+?\d{1,15}` matches most international phone number formats, but you can adjust it to suit your specific needs.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Custom Validation

Now that we’ve seen an example of custom validation in action, let’s go through the steps to add it to your Azure AD B2C custom policy:

  1. Open your Azure AD B2C custom policy in the Azure portal or using an XML editor.

  2. Identify the ClaimsTransformation element that contains the ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation.

  3. Add an InputParameters element within the ClaimsTransformation element.

  4. Add an InputParameter element within the InputParameters element, with an Id attribute set to “regularization” and a DataType attribute set to “string”.

  5. Set the Value attribute of the InputParameter element to the desired regular expression for validating the input string.

  6. Save your changes and upload the updated custom policy to Azure AD B2C.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

When working with custom validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation, keep the following tips and tricks in mind:

  • Test your regular expression: Make sure to test your regular expression using a tool like Regex101 or Regexr to ensure it matches the desired input format.

  • Use the correct data type: Ensure that the DataType attribute of the InputParameter element is set to “string”, as this is the expected data type for the input string.

  • Check the transformation logs: If you’re experiencing issues with the claims transformation, check the transformation logs to identify any errors or issues.

  • Validate the output: Don’t just stop at validating the input string. Also, validate the output phone number claim to ensure it’s in the correct format.


There you have it! With this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to resolve the issue of validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation in Azure AD B2C custom policies. By adding custom validation using regular expressions, you can ensure that your claims transformations produce accurate and consistent results.

Remember, Azure AD B2C custom policies can be complex and finicky, but with the right guidance and troubleshooting techniques, you can overcome even the most challenging issues.

Have you encountered any issues with Azure AD B2C custom policies? Share your experiences and solutions in the comments below!

ClaimsTransformation Id Description
ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim Converts a string claim into a phone number claim.

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Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with Azure AD B2C custom policies? We’ve got you covered! Here are some answers to the most common questions about validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation.

Why doesn’t the validation in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation work as expected?

The validation might not work if the input string is not in the correct format. The ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation expects the input string to be in the format of “+CountryCode PhoneNumber”, for example, “+1 1234567890”. If the input string doesn’t match this format, the validation will fail.

Can I customize the validation pattern for phone numbers in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation?

Yes, you can customize the validation pattern by using a regular expression. You can define a regex pattern in the policy that matches the phone number format you want to allow. For example, you can allow only US phone numbers by using the pattern “^\\+1[0-9]{10}$”.

What happens if the input string is null or empty in ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation?

If the input string is null or empty, the ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation will return an error. You can handle this scenario by adding aClaimsTransformation to check if the input string is null or empty before calling the ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim transformation.

Can I use ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation to validate phone numbers in international format?

Yes, you can use ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation to validate phone numbers in international format. The transformation supports phone numbers in the format of “+CountryCode PhoneNumber”, where CountryCode is the country code and PhoneNumber is the phone number.

Are there any limitations or restrictions on using ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation in Azure AD B2C custom policies?

Yes, there are some limitations and restrictions on using ConvertStringToPhoneNumberClaim claims transformation in Azure AD B2C custom policies. For example, it only works with phone numbers in the format of “+CountryCode PhoneNumber”, and it doesn’t support phone numbers with extensions or special characters. Additionally, it may not work correctly with phone numbers from certain countries or regions.

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